Ketasco Alumni of North America, Inc.

Event Detail

  • Start Date 06/16/2022
  • Start Time 15:00
  • End Date 06/16/2022
  • End Time 16:30
  • Location Keta Senior High Technical School, Keta

Program for the Handing-over of the Alumni Centre

Venue: Keta Senior High Technical School, Keta
Date: June 16, 2022
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

  1. 1. Arrival of invited guests (2:30 pm)
  2. Opening Prayer, Rev Gilbert Golomeke
  3. School anthem, Mr. Jacob Gbadegbe, Music Teacher, Ketasco
  4. Introduction of Chairman (Agbotadua Kumassah), Ms. Diana Gbordzi, 1st Deputy Senior Prefect, Ketasco
  5. Chairman’s response, Agbotadua Kumassah
  6. Purpose of gathering, Dr. John Dogbe, North America Alumni Representative
  7. Speech by Guest of Honour, Dr. Kodzo Gbewonyo
  8. Remarks by Headmaster, Mr. Isaac Dzidzienyo
  9. Remarks by Representative of the Board of Governors, Togbi Kpemini Gawu, V
  10. Remarks by NEC President, Mr. Kojo Mattah
  11. Remarks by the Chair, Agbotadua Kumassah
  12. Vote of thanks, Ms. Bernice Alorvordzi, 2nd Deputy Senior Prefect, Ketasco
  13. Closing Prayer, Rev Gilbert Golomeke
  14. Unveiling of plaque/Handing over & Touring of the Centre
  15. Refreshments

Special Acknowledgments:

  • District Director of Education, Mr. Gerhard Avudzivi
  • MC for the Occasion, Mr. Anthony Segbefia, Geography Teacher and Events M.C., Ketasco
  • Media coverage led by Mr. Maxwell Yisufu, GBC News
  • Mr. Elvis Doe, ICT Teacher; Mr. Godsway Bubune Hovor, Architecture Teacher,
  • Ms. Florence Kuwornu, Girl Students Patron;
  • Mr. James Kulevome, Arts Teacher